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Modern Interior Design

Listing Services

I am a full service listing agent so I will handle the whole process from a to z while providing current market knowledge to strategically price your home and promote your home. Please see below for all the services I provide as your listing agent in order to maximize the value of your home in the least amount of time.

Pre-sale Inspections

I will coordinate and oversee home, roof, and pest inspections to ensure they are completed ahead of time to avoid contingency offers and buyer's backing out. 

Repairs, Prepping, & Cleaning

Depending on the home, we will handle organizing and scheduling any repairs that need to be done. Prepping and cleaning may include any of the following: painting, flooring, landscaping, power washing, window washing, and house cleaning.

Staging & Photography

After the house is cleaned and prepped, I will get the house professionally staged and photographed to get 3D matterport, drone, and still photos. 

Open House, Digital Marketing, & Network Announcement

I will host neighborhood twilight open house, weekend open house, and realtor showings as well as send out digital marketing via social media to get exposure and bring in the most amount of qualified buyers. 

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